
Access and Interconnect

Local and International Data

Roaming – Wholesale

Roaming Direct Access

Your clients can benefit from superior roaming services while they are in Malta.

Our Wholesale Direct Access Roaming Offer enables eligible Mobile Net Operators (MNOs) or Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs) access to mobile telecommunications services in the geographic areas where we operate a public mobile communications network.

We operate this in accordance with Article 3 of the Regulation (EU) 531/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 June 2012 ‘Roaming Regulation’ and with the BEREC Guidelines on the application of Article 3 of the Roaming Regulation – Wholesale Roaming Access dated 27th September, 2012.

This Reference Offer is at wholesale for:

A) ‘Direct Regulated Roaming Services’ comprising of:

origination of Regulated Roaming Voice Calls;
origination of Regulated Roaming SMS messages; and
regulated Data Roaming.

B) ‘Supplementary Wholesale Roaming Services’ comprising of:

termination of received roaming calls;
termination of received roaming SMS messages; and
termination of CAMEL phase I and II.

GO Wholesale Direct Access Roaming Offer