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You can personalize your Wi-Fi by changing your network name and password. All you need to do is follow these easy steps, but firstly, double-check your modem’s model and follow the instructions below.
Kif nibdel l-isem u / jew il-password tan-network tal-WiFi tiegħi?
Tista’ tippersonalizza l-konnessjoni tal-Wi-Fi tiegħek billi tibdel l-isem tan-network u l-password tiegħek. Kull ma trid tagħmel hu li ssegwi dawn il-passi faċli. Nibdew billi l-ewwel nikkonferma l-mudell tal-modem tiegħek.
In some cases, other gadgets like your neighbour’s modem or other equipment may interfere with your Wi-Fi signal. If you’re having such an issue, you can try changing the Channel and see if doing so will make a difference. Firstly confirm your modem’s model before following the below instructions.
Port forwarding is a way of making a computer on your home or business network accessible to computers on the internet and it is commonly used in gaming, security cameras and home automation, amongst other things.
All you need to do to set port forwarding on your modem is follow these easy steps. Firstly, confirm your modem’s model before following these instructions:
Band steering allows you to connect to the best frequency band available and supported so that your Wi-Fi connectivity is optimal.
Firstly, confirm your modem’s model before following these instructions:
Known as bridge mode, this consists of using the GO modem as a bridge between the internet connection and your router or firewall, so that the internet connection is activated directly on your router or firewall.
So all you need to do to activate your internet connection directly on your router or firewall is to set your modem to bridge mode. To do so, follow these steps, but before doing so, confirm your modem’s model.