
10 common internet terms everyone should know

27 May 2023


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Navigating the digital world can be a daunting task, especially with so many complex terms and phrases. To help you better understand the internet landscape, we’ve compiled a list of 10 common internet terms that everyone should know.

Understanding these is not just about keeping up with the latest tech talk, but it also empowers you to make informed decisions about your internet usage and the plans that best suit your needs.

So, let’s dive in.


One of the most widely used types of internet connection, broadband refers to a high-speed internet connection that offers significantly faster data transmission rates compared to traditional dial-up connections. Unlike the latter that utilize standard telephone lines, broadband uses various advanced technologies, such as digital subscriber line (DSL), cable, fibre optics and satellite to deliver fast and stable internet connectivity. In turn, it provides a reliable and efficient means to access and transfer data over the internet.


Bandwidth is a vital concept when it comes to understanding how information travels across the internet and it refers to the maximum amount of data that can be transmitted over a network connection within a specific timeframe, usually measured in bits per second (bps) or its derivatives like kilobits per second (Kbps), megabits per second (Mbps) or gigabits per second (Gbps). Think of it as a highway or a pipeline that connects your computer or device to the vast expanse of the internet. The wider the highway or pipeline, the more data can flow through it simultaneously, allowing for faster and smoother information transfer.

Data Cap

Data caps, also known as data limits or bandwidth caps, refer to the prescribed limit on the amount of data you can upload or download over an internet connection within a specified period. Essentially, it’s a restriction imposed by internet service providers (ISPs) to regulate the amount of data their customers can consume. So if you visualize your internet connection as this pipe or channel mentioned above that carries data to and from your device, a data cap places a limit on the volume of data that can flow through that pipe within a given billing cycle.

Man on his laptop with Google browser visible

IP Address

Short for Internet Protocol address, an IP address is a unique numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer network. In other words, it serves as an identifier that enables devices to communicate and exchange data with one another over the internet. This address usually consists of four sets of numbers, separated by full stops, with each set ranging from 0 to 255. So for example, an IPv4 address would look like – An IP address can be both public so that your device can communicate with other devices across the world or it can be private, which is usually used within local networks, like home or office networks.


An acronym for Digital Subscriber Line, DSL, is a popular technology that enables high-speed internet access over traditional telephone lines. Since its inception, it has revolutionized the way people connect to the internet by utilizing existing copper telephone lines, allowing simultaneous transmission of voice and data. One of DSL’s main advantages is the fact that it is extensively available, while it offers a cost-effective alternative for high-speed internet access.


Megabits per second, aka Mbps, plays a crucial role in determining the quality of your internet connection and the overall online experience. In fact, it is a unit of measurement used to quantify the speed of data transmission in a network or internet connection. Megabits per second represent the rate at which data is transferred from one point to another within a given time frame, typically in seconds. And as you may have already figured out, internet speed is crucial and can determine how quickly you can download a file, stream a video or load a webpage. The higher the Mbps value, the faster the data transmission speed, which in turn enables quicker downloads and smoother online experiences.


With its exceptional speeds, high bandwidth, low latency and unmatched reliability, fibre has become the go-to choice for users who demand seamless connectivity and lightning-fast data transmission. Unlike copper internet that uses traditional copper cables, typically in the form of twisted-pair cables, such as DSL or coaxial cables, fibre internet, is an advanced technology that utilizes thin strands of glass or plastic, called optical fibers, to transmit data as pulses of light. These optical fibers have the capacity to transmit large volumes of data at incredibly high speeds.


Latency refers to the delay or the time it takes for data to travel from its source to its destination across a network connection. It is often measured in milliseconds (ms) and represents the time it takes for a data packet to travel from the sender to the receiver and back. Latency plays a crucial role in determining the responsiveness and real-time performance of internet-based applications and activities, which means that it can affect things like online gaming, video conferencing, cloud computing and remote access, as well as website loading speed.


You may have experienced before – the frustrating gap between your action and the system’s response, leading to a sluggish and unresponsive experience. Like when your internet is slow enough that when you’re playing a game, what you see on your screen is slightly behind what is happening for most of the other players. In fact, lag is the delay in the responsiveness of an internet connection or an application. Several factors contribute to lag, however, some of the most common causes include insufficient bandwidth, issues with the server, network congestion and even hardware limitations, to name a few.

Megabits and Megabytes

A Megabit (Mb) is a unit of measurement used to express data transfer rates or internet connection speeds and it represents the amount of data that can be transmitted in a given time period, typically measured in seconds. In fact, Megabits are commonly used to describe the speed of internet connections, such as download and upload speeds. On the other hand, a megabyte (MB) represents the size of digital files or the storage capacity of devices. For example, when you download a file, the file size is often expressed in megabytes. Similarly, the storage capacity of devices like hard drives, USB drives or smartphones is typically represented in gigabytes (GB) or terabytes (TB).

Whether you’re choosing an internet plan, troubleshooting network issues or simply trying to comprehend the speed and performance of your connection, having a grasp of the terms above can truly empower you as a user provide you with a solid foundation for optimizing your internet usage and enhancing your online experiences. Looking for internet? Take a look at our range of plans.