
Limestone Cowboy review by Fabio Agius

02 May 2022


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Watched Limestone Cowboy on GO tv last night. I’ve heard lots of good comments about this movie but being a sceptic on Maltese movie tastes I had to watch it by myself, in a nutshell I was curious. Surprisingly enough I actually loved this movie. The script was well written and the slang dialogue really fit the story (I hate it when it’s a Maltese production and they don’t include swear words). This movie really captured the ignorance of our country in regard to politics and the exploiting of people with mental problems when it comes to the Carnival which we call General Elections. The movie makes you feel empathy, not with just the main character “The Cowboy” but with his entire family who love this granddad so much. I particularly liked his father’s Performance (Mark Doneo) who captured the typical loving Maltese dad from the 60s. Loved the music score and the occasional local oldie music hits here and there, which were put strategically throughout the movie. I cannot recommend this movie enough. 7.0 from me.

Fabio is a comic artist and co-founder of Wicked Comics the organisers of the Malta Comic-Con. Apart from being an avid comic collector, he has a passion for cinema and movies. He reviews movies and series on various social media platforms on a regular basis.