
Share Capital

Share Capital

The authorised share capital of the Company is three hundred and forty nine million four hundred and five thousand eight hundred Euro (€349,405,800) divided into six hundred million (600,000,000) shares of fifty eight point two three four three Euro cents (€0.582343) each share.

Listed Securities

The issued share capital of the Company is fifty eight million nine hundred and ninety seven thousand, four hundred and fifty three Euro and fifty one Euro cents (€58,997,453.51) divided into hundred and one million three hundred and ten thousand four hundred and eighty eight (101,310,488) ordinary shares of fifty eight point two three four three Euro cents (€0.582343) each share, which have been subscribed for and allotted fully paid up. Shares are listed on the Malta Stock Exchange.

Registered Office

Company Registration Number C 22334 – GO P.L.C.

The registered office of the Company shall be situated at GO p.l.c., Fra Diegu Street, Marsa, MRS 1501, Malta or at such other place in Malta as the Board of Directors may from time to time determine.

Company Group Structure

Shares listed on the Malta Stock Exchange

GO p.l.c.


– BMIT Technologies p.l.c. (C48299) – 52.5% Shareholding

– Cablenet Communication Systems p.l.c. (HE137520) – 70.22% Shareholding

– GO Ventures Limited (C92805) – 100% Shareholding

– ConnectedCare Limited (C94135) – 51% Shareholding

– Sens Innovation Group Limited (C101007)- 76% Shareholding

– Cybersift Holdings Limited (C103984) – 51% Shareholding

– GO Infrastructure Services Limited – 100% Shareholding

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