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You can read this FAQ in English or Maltese.
The easiest way to find your postcode is to use the free service provided by MaltaPost on their website. Although a rare occurrence, should your postcode is in the MaltaPost database but isn’t recognised by our speed checker, just fill out our Service Feasibility form. Doing so will help us update our database.
Kif nista’ nsib il-kodiċi postali tiegħi?
Biex issib il-kodiċi postali tiegħek, tista’ tuża s-servizz b’xejn li huwa pprovdut minn MaltaPost fuq il-website tagħhom. Fil-każ rari li l-kodiċi postali tiegħek jinsab fir-reġistru tal-MaltaPost iżda mhuwiex rikonoxxut mill-ispeed checker tagħna, jekk jogħġbok imla l-formola tas-Service Feasibility tagħna biex titlobna naġġornaw id-database tagħna.