
How can I set mobile data on my phone?

You can read this FAQ in English or Maltese.

If you want to access the internet from your mobile phone via mobile data, then you need to set up an Access Point Name, or APN. Here’s how.

For Apple devices:

    1. Go to Settings
    2. Go to Mobile Data Network
    3. Type “gointernet” in the “Mobile Data”, “LTE” and “Personal Hotspot” fields
    4. Please make sure that you have no spacing in “gointernet”. This is important for your device to identify the correct setting to use when attached to the network

Please note that Apple mobile devices with iOS version 15.2 upwards do not require setting the APN / Mobile Data settings since these are automatically installed.

For Android operated devices:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Go to Connections
  3. Go to Mobile Networks
  4. Click on Access Point Names and then Add/+
  5. In the name field type in “GO”
  6. In the APN field type “gointernet”
  7. Please make sure that you have no spacing in “gointernet”. This is important for your device to identify the correct setting to use when attached to the network

Verżjoni bil-Malti

Kif nista’ ndaħħal id-dettalji ta’ Access Point Name (APN)?

Għall-mobiles li jahdmu bis-sistema iOS (Apple):

  1. Mur fis-Settings
  2. Mur fuq Mobile Data Network
  3. Ikteb “gointernet” fis-sezzjonijiet “Mobile Data”, “LTE Setup” u “Personal Hotspot”

Għall-mobiles li jahdmu bis-sisteam Android:

  1. Mur fis-Settings
  2. Mur fuq Connections
  3. Mur fuq Mobile Networks
  4. Agħfas fuq Access Point Names u mbagħad ADD/+
  5. Fis-sezzjoni ‘Name’ ikteb “GO”
  6. Fis-sezzjoni ‘APN’ ikteb “gointernet”
  7. Jekk joghgbok taghmilx spazju fil- kelma “gointernet” sabiex

Nota: Il-mowbajls Apple b’verżjoni ta’ iOS 15.2 ‘l fuq ma jeħtiġux issettjar tas-settings tal-APN / Mobile Data peress li dawn huma installati awtomatikament.