
How can I change my MyGO and GO app password?

If you have forgotten your MyGO or GO app password, you can quickly reset it through the apps themselves.

In MyGO, you can reset your password by:
1. Going to MyGO
2. Clicking on the “Forgot Password?” button
3. Entering the email address you use to log into MyGO
4. Once you receive the reset password email, click on the link
5. A new page will open. There you can enter your new password

In the GO app you can reset your password by:
1. Loading the GO app
2. Tapping on “Log in with MyGO”
3. Tapping on the “Forgot Password?” button
3. Next, enter the email address you use to log into the GO app
4. Once you receive the reset password email, click on the link
5. A new page will open. There you can enter your new password

Here are some tips to consider when entering your new password:
1. Make sure you have at least one lower case
2. Use at least one upper case
3. Enter at least one number
4. Consider having at least one symbol like $, # and others
5. Your password should be a minimum of 8 characters

Bear in mind that your password will not be accepted if it:
– includes part of your MyGO username
– has part of the email you use to log into MyGO
– matches any of the last 10 passwords

If you are already logged into MyGO but you wish to update your password, you can do so by:
1. Clicking on “Settings” from the top menu
2. Clicking on “MyGO account settings” from the left-hand menu
3. Clicking on “Change password”
4. Entering the current / old password, and then your new password
5. Clicking on the “Continue” button to save your changes